ACWA Responds to Statewide June Water Conservation Numbers by ACWA Staff Aug 2, 2022 News Releases SACRAMENTO – Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Executive Director Dave Eggerton released the following statement today in response to the State Water Resource Control Board’s reported June statewide water conservation data in light of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s continued voluntary 15 percent conservation goal over 2020 levels. “Californians throughout the state are responding to the need to conserve water. Despite already using 16 percent less water than in 2013, they continue to make steady progress toward achieving the Governor’s statewide conservation goal. “We appreciate Governor Newsom’s continued approach to drought response that empowers water suppliers to manage their water supply based on local conditions. As the severe drought continues in California, water managers throughout the state are addressing the challenges of managing and maintaining a safe and reliable water supply for communities, the environment and local economies. A critical component of this effort is investment in water infrastructure, especially to capture more water during wet years to be available during the state’s longer and drier periods. “We will continue to collaborate with our partners at the state and federal levels to advocate for further investments that will build climate resilience to meet the state’s current and future water needs.” Media representatives looking for more information about actions by local water agencies to help customers be more water efficient and promote conservation can find examples at A summary of water agency drought responses, including voluntary and mandatory conservation orders and links to Water Shortage Contingency Plans is available at More information about the critical need to invest in water infrastructure is available at