Regional Agencies Come Together to Commemorate Sustainability Milestone by San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency Jan 30, 2025 Member Submitted News BEAUMONT – San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency (SGPWA) supported its regional partner South Mesa Water Company’s (SMWC) advancement of clean, reliable water services at the Hillcrest Mobile Home Park (Hillcrest) during a ribbon-cutting celebration on January 17, 2025. SMWC concluded a successful park consolidation in January, made possible by a $10.2 million grant from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and awarded under the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) program. Through its gap funding program, SGPWA proudly bolstered SMWC’s efforts to deliver safe, affordable water to a community classified as severely disadvantaged. SMWC’s consolidation at Hillcrest resolved ongoing challenges with contaminated groundwater wells. The predominantly senior community faced issues with nitrate levels linked to agricultural runoff. The consolidation also addressed Hillcrest’s need for essential fire protection, required now more than ever. The project delivers a dependable water supply for drinking water needs and fire safety at the same time. “When we work together to strengthen water resilience throughout the region, the results are powerful,” SGPWA Board President Mickey Valdivia said. “SGPWA will continue to collaborate closely with our project partners to provide our community with safe and stable water resources for years to come.” SGPWA provided gap funding to ensure the completion of this critical work. Gap funding, the Agency’s small system support program, enables water retailers to utilize state funding even when they lack the financial reserves to manage the up-front cash flow requirements. The funding acts as a bridge, making sure state funds are applied toward vital regional water reliability and conservation projects. Beyond the benefits at Hillcrest, SMWC’s work will impact the County Line Road Recharge Basin and Turnout Project. This crucial project is a multi-agency effort between SGPWA, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (SBVMWD) and SMWC to stabilize water storage in the Yucaipa Subbasin, making reliable water accessible to 18,000 people. During the consolidation, SMWC upgraded 24,000 feet of mainline pipe to advance the County Line Road Recharge Basin and Turnout Project. SGPWA staff and Board members joined state leaders, local officials, regional agency representatives and community members at the ribbon-cutting event. SGPWA was grateful for the opportunity to commemorate this milestone and its far-reaching sustainability benefits for the Pass area and beyond. ### About San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency Formed in 1961, SGPWA is a State Water Contractor that serves a 225-square-mile area of western Riverside County. The service area includes the cities of Calimesa, Beaumont, and Banning, and the communities of Cherry Valley, Cabazon, and the Banning Bench. In addition to importing State Water Project (SWP) water from Northern California to augment local groundwater sources, the Agency builds local system infrastructure, participates in water transfers, partners in statewide water projects and collaborates on regional water reliability and conservation efforts.