CAFWA Letter: 2023-24 Wildfire and Forest Resilience State Budget Allocations

  • Jan 3, 2023
  • Comment Letters

To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Subject: 2023-24 Wildfire and Forest Resilience State Budget Allocations

Letter excerpt:

On behalf of the California Forest Watershed Alliance (CAFWA), we are writing to offer our recommendations for 2023-24 State Budget allocations to the wildfire and forest resilience sector. CAFWA applauds your leadership over the last several years, particularly for championing a new $1.3 billion investment over two years in extremely vital programs to improve the health of California’s forests and watersheds while preventing future wildfires. We acknowledge the economic challenges ahead for the state and the difficulty of balancing fiscal responsibility with maintaining crucial programs such as forest resilience. However, it is urgent that the state maintain its investments in wildfire and forest resilience programs.

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