Comment Letter: Amended Rule 1470/New Rule 118.1

  • Jun 16, 2021
  • Comment Letters

To: Susan Nakamura, South Coast Air Quality Management District

Subject: ACWA Support of Proposed Amendment to Rule 1470 and Proposed New Rule 118.1

Letter excerpt:

The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) is writing to express support for the proposed amendment to Rule 1470 and proposed new Rule 118.1 (Proposed Rules) as presented during Working Group Meeting (WGM) No. 3 held on May 27, 2021. ACWA represents 460 public water agencies that are responsible for 90 percent of the water supply deliveries throughout the state for domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses. Water and wastewater agencies are reliant on backup generators to maintain the delivery and treatment of water during public safety power shutoff (PSPS) and emergency events. The increasing number and duration of PSPS and emergency events that result in loss of power from the electrical grid continues to be a major challenge for water and wastewater critical service facilities.

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