Forest Health CEQA and NEPA Streamlining Trailer Bill Language – Support Aug 4, 2022 Comment Letters To: The Honorable Toni Atkins and The Honorable Anthony Rendon Subject: Forest Health CEQA and NEPA Streamlining Trailer Bill Language – SUPPORT Letter excerpt: The California Forest Watershed Alliance (CAFWA) is a unique coalition of diverse interests including organizations that represent water, environment, local government, timber, and agricultural interests all dedicated to finding solutions to California’s every-growing forest health and wildfire problem. The members of CAFWA are: • Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA); • California Farm Bureau Federation (CFBF); • California Forestry Association (Cal Forests); • The Nature Conservancy (TNC); and • Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC). Since its founding in 2014, CAFWA members have been working together to seek new ways to promote proactive, science-based, and ecologically sound forest management practices that will reduce the risk of destructive megafires. Our goal is to protect our forests, our natural resources, and our local economies and communities by accelerating the pace and scale of forest restoration. Download Comment Letter