Cucamonga Valley Water District Elects 2025 Board Officers by Cucamonga Valley Water District Jan 16, 2025 Member Submitted News RANCHO CUCAMONGA — On January 14, 2025, the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD/District) Board of Directors held its election of officers. Director Randall James Reed was re-elected to serve as its president. Director Reed has served on the board since 2003 and represents Division 3 of the District’s service area. During his time on the board, President Reed has served on many committees and is currently serving on the District’s Engineering and Finance Committees. He also represents CVWD on the Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority Board of Directors and the Association of San Bernardino County Special Districts, as well as many other local committees. “I am humbled and honored for the trust my fellow Directors have in my ability to continue as CVWD Board President,” commented President Reed. “My gratitude extends to my fellow community leaders whose relationships are invaluable. Together we make the foundation for our community to overcome any challenges that lay ahead.” Also at the January 14 meeting, the board appointed James V. Curatalo Jr. as Vice President. Vice President Curatalo has served on the board of directors since 1999 and is currently on the Human Resources/Risk Management and Water Resources committees. He also represents the District on the Fontana Union Water Company Board of Directors, a mutual water agency in which CVWD is the majority shareholder. “Our board looks forward to representing the residents and businesses that we serve within our community,” commented Vice President James V. Curatalo Jr. “Our success as a Water District has always been attributed to the partnerships we have had with the cities of Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana, Upland, Ontario, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency and San Bernardino County and their elected officials.” The role of the board of directors is to develop policies that guide the District in carrying out its mission of providing high-quality, reliable water and wastewater services, while practicing good stewardship of natural and financial resources. For more information on CVWD’s Board of Directors or its mission, please visit or call at 909-987-2591.