Longtime Board Member Randy Record Announces Retirement by Eastern Municipal Water District Jul 18, 2024 Member Submitted News PERRIS — After 24 years representing Division 3 of Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD) service area, Board Member Randy Record, announced today that he will not be seeking reelection in November 2024. He will be retiring from service on EMWD’s Board of Directors effective December 6, 2024. Since EMWD’s formation in 1950, there have only been four Division 3 representatives serving San Jacinto and surrounding areas. Record and his father, Clayton Record, Jr., are two of those representatives, collectively serving for 30 of the agency’s nearly 75-year history. Record was elected in January 2001 and served two terms as board president during his tenure. In January 2003, Record was appointed to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) Board of Directors and served as EMWD’s representative there for 20 years, including consecutive terms as Chairman from 2014 to 2018. He retired from the Metropolitan Board in December 2022. Record also served as President of the Association of California Water Agencies from 2012 through 2013. “It’s been an honor to serve on EMWD’s Board for more than two decades,” said Record. “EMWD has always been committed to forward-thinking principles which not only provides its communities with the highest quality and reliable services possible, but also serves as an example of a premier organization for other agencies across the state and nation to emulate. Throughout EMWD’s history, we have looked for opportunities to maximize resources, including the development of local water supplies, to best serve our ratepayers,” continued Record. “It’s one of the things we do best.” During his tenure, Record was a leading voice in bringing together water users from urban and agricultural backgrounds to find common solutions to California’s water challenges. His focus was on building coalitions and advancing long-term solutions such as the California Water Fix and the Regional Recycled Water program. Record added, “I am incredibly proud of continuing the accomplishments made by the EMWD Board. Over the years, my fellow Board members, EMWD staff, and agency partners have created the pathway for a more resilient water supply for generations to come.” “Randy Record is an institution in California water,” said EMWD Board President Phil Paule. “Every person, farmer, watershed manager, and industry that uses water in California can thank Director Record for his service, and EMWD is better for the leadership and vision that he has brought forward over the past 24 years.” # # # Eastern Municipal Water District is the water, wastewater service and recycled water provider to nearly one million people living and working within a 601-square mile service area in western Riverside County and northern San Diego County. It is California’s sixth-largest retail water agency, and its mission is “To deliver value to our diverse customers and the communities we serve by providing safe, reliable, economical and environmentally sustainable water, wastewater and recycled water services.” More information can be found at www.emwd.org.