Mojave Water Agency Awarded Federal Grant for Ephemeral Wash Research by Mojave Water Agency Aug 13, 2024 Mojave Water Agency (MWA) has been awarded a federal grant under the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART (Sustain and Manage America’s Resources for Tomorrow) Applied Science Grant Program. The $400,000 award will fund geophysical research and the installation of monitoring wells at five ephemeral wash sites. “As we adapt to a hotter, drier future, it is vital that we understand the groundwater contribution from unstudied washes throughout our service area,” said Wesley Massoll, principal hydrogeologist at MWA, and grantee project director. “Results from this scientific study will help the Agency build more accurate groundwater models, which will allow for better groundwater basin management and decision-making in the future.” WaterSMART Applied Science grants provide cost-shared financial assistance to develop hydrologic information, water management tools, and improve modeling and forecasting capabilities to meet a variety of water management objectives. “MWA is grateful for the collaborative relationship we have with the Bureau of Reclamation. As a public Agency serving severely disadvantaged communities, we are diligent about seeking grant opportunities to offset the cost of these crucial projects that improve water basin health,” said MWA General Manager Adnan Anabtawi. The award will offset nearly half of the projected $897,408 cost of this phase of the ephemeral wash project, which is part of a 5-year plan to identify surface water and groundwater recharge data gaps within the basin. The gaps are measured by installing monitoring wells and precipitation gauges to measure rainfall, streamflow, and spring recharge in the selected washes. The data collected will provide recharge and runoff estimates for more accurate groundwater modeling. “Mojave Water Agency prides itself on making science-based decisions to ensure the water resiliency of our region,” said Board President Kimberly Cox. “This data will help us respond appropriately to more extreme drought, flood, rising temperatures and changing regulations, thereby strengthen our basin management strategies.” About Mojave Water Agency The Mojave Water Agency was established in 1960 in response to the concerns about the overdraft of the basin that is located in the Mojave Desert region in Southern California. The Agency is one of 29 contractors with rights to take delivery of State Water Project water from the California Aqueduct to replenish the service area. The Mojave Water Agency Board of Directors meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the board room at 13846 Conference Center Drive in Apple Valley. Public participation is encouraged. For more information, visit the Agency’s website at or follow us on social media @mojavewater. ###