Comment Letter: Conservation Agriculture Planning Grants Program RFP Oct 19, 2021 Comment Letters Agency: California Department of Food and Agriculture Subject: 2021 Conservation Agriculture Planning Grants Program RFP Letter excerpt: The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) appreciates the opportunity to provide public comments to the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) on the Draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Conservation Agriculture Planning Grants Program (CAPGP). ACWA represents more than 460 public water agencies that collectively deliver approximately 90 percent of the water used in California for domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses. ACWA appreciates that the funding that will be available through the CAPGP will be used to promote environmental and agricultural sustainability. ACWA’s members work closely with water users throughout the state to prepare for and respond to the climate change impacts and use water resources wisely. Download Comment Letter