Webinar: Recycled Water

  • American Water Works Association CA-NV Section
  • Online

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Add to Calendar 20200513 1:00 pm 20200514 5:00 pm America/Los_Angeles Webinar: Recycled Water

This webinar is designed to provide recycled water system designers and users in the state of California with the necessary […]

American Water Works Association CA-NV Section MM/DD/YYYY
COST $80

AWWA Member


Non-Member Pre-Registration Fee


This webinar is designed to provide recycled water system designers and users in the state of California with the necessary information required to become fluent in recycled water systems.  The workshop is intended for recycled water users and potential users; landscape and maintenance personnel, property owners and managers but includes sufficient information for system designers and contractors to make a smooth transition to recycled systems.

This webinar is 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm on May 13 and May 14.
Earn up to 8 contact hours.
Instructor: Thom Deeds

Registration for webinars is a 2 step process.  Once you have registered here, please look at the bottom of your receipt for the link to complete the registration process.

If you are unfamiliar with GoToWebinar, a user-guide for online workshops is available at: https://support.goto.com/meeting/attendee-user-guide

For more information, visit here.


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