ACWA Applications and Nominations for Fall 2022 Awards Now Open by ACWA Staff Jul 13, 2022 Water News ACWA is now accepting applications and nominations for the following awards that will be presented during the 2022 Fall Conference & Exhibition being held in Indian Wells Nov. 29 through Dec. 1: John P. Fraser Emissary Award honors individual ACWA member volunteers who have made remarkable and visible contributions to the enhancement, protection or development of water resources in California by participating in, supporting and advancing ACWA’s mission and goals. Submission deadline is Thursday, Sept. 1. Huell Howser Excellence in Communication Award honors outstanding public water agency efforts in communicating important information to customers, legislators, media, the public and others. The award focuses on projects and programs that quantifiably meet an agency’s public information, communications or outreach goals in an innovative way while making effective use of available resources. Submission deadline is Thursday, Sept. 1. Outreach Awards acknowledge members for their advocacy on issues critical to our industry. The awards for most active member agencies in each region are based on outreach interactions – including letters, faxes, emails, telephone calls or in-person contacts – consistent with ACWA’s positions or stated policies. There are also three special recognition categories. Submission deadline is Monday, Oct. 3. For more details about all the awards, including eligibility requirements and submission guidelines, please visit ACWA’s website.