ACWA Conference & Expo: Exhibitor Registration Terms & Conditions



The words “Show Management” as used herein shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association of California Water Agencies. In the enforcement and interpretation of the following rules and regulations, the decision of the Board of Directors is final.


The Show Management reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in the conference and reserves the right to reject, evict, or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, or any exhibitor, or his/her representatives, with or without giving cause.  A $300 penalty fee may be imposed for any Exhibit Booth that is removed prior to closing of the Exhibit Hall posted Hours.  Failure to maintain Exhibit Booth through-out posted Exhibit Hall hours may also preclude Exhibitor from participating in future ACWA conferences. 


All booth registration changes and cancellations must be made in writing by April 25, 2025.  Valid cancellation requests will receive a 50 percent (50%) refund of the booth registration fee. For payments originally made by credit card, refunds can be issued back onto the credit card within 60 days. Otherwise, a refund will be issued by check. No refunds or registration changes will be granted after the registration deadline.  Submit request in writing to ACWA Events at Space assigned shall be deemed acceptable. Failure to provide written cancellation before April 25, 2025, or failure to appear at the conference, relieves ACWA of any obligation to refund.


Event registrations are transferable from one participant to another within the same organization. Please submit your request in writing before the event registration deadline to Teresa Taylor at Include the original registrant’s name, the new person’s name, title and email address with your request. After the registration deadline, substitutions will be handled on-site. Only one substitution is permitted per original registrant. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (including any balance due) associated with the original registration. There is no fee to transfer an eligible registration.


All aisle space is under control of the Show Management and must not be used in any way for exhibit space.


The exhibitor agrees to make no claim for any reason whatsoever against the Association of California Water Agencies and other contractors for loss, theft, damage or destruction of goods, nor for any injury to him/herself or employees; nor for any damage of any nature or character, including any damage to his/her business by reason of failure to provide space for the exhibit, or the removal of the exhibit; nor for failure to hold the conference as scheduled; nor for any action of any nature of the Association of California Water Agencies, or its members, officers, committees, agents or employees. The exhibitor further agrees to indemnify and defend the Association of California Water Agencies against any claim arising out of the display of a product or service at the event in question.


Exhibitors are liable for any damage caused to building floor, walls, columns, or to standard equipment or other decorator property.


The Show Management reserves the right, should any rented exhibitor space remain unoccupied on the opening day, to rent paid space to another exhibitor, or use paid space for such purpose as it may see fit without liability on its part.


The Show Management reserves the right to alter locations of exhibits if deemed advisable and in the best interest of the conference.


No exhibitor will assign, sublet, or share the space assigned.


The exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for compliance with local, city and state Fire, Safety and Health Ordinances regarding the installation and operation of equipment. All exhibit materials and equipment must be reasonably located within the booth and protected by safety guards and devices where necessary to prevent personal accidents to spectators.


In order to conform to local fire ordinances, as well as the National Board of Fire Underwriters, all decorative materials must be fire resistant and meet with standards established by the Fire Marshal’s Office.


No exhibitor may play music of any kind. Any fines the Show Management incurs as a result of an exhibitor playing music will be paid by the exhibitor.


No combustible decorations, such as crepe paper, tissue paper, cardboard, corrugated paper, shall be used at any time. All packing containers, excelsior and wrapping paper should be removed from the floor and must not be stored under tables. All muslin, velvet, silken or any other cloth decorations must stand a flameproof test as prescribed by fire ordinances.


Registration and attendance at, or participation in, this event constitutes an agreement by the registrant to ACWA’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant’s name, title, organization and mailing address as well as the registrant’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes.


ACWA will adhere to all local and state regulatory health and safety guidelines. In the event that ACWA must cancel the in-person event due to environmental or regulatory requirements, all pre-registrations will be refunded.


The exhibit coordinator has full power to interpret or amend these rules. The exhibit coordinator promises full cooperation for a successful show and will be pleased to work with the exhibitors toward this end.


Many services in connection with displays are often under local union jurisdiction. Exhibitors must agree to comply with all applicable union requirements and must accept responsibility for making their own arrangements in this regard.


The Association of California Water Agencies does not in any way imply endorsement of any product or service of any exhibitor by entering into the exhibitor contract.


By registering to attend this Event and participating in Events held by Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), you hereby acknowledge, understand and agree that:

  • ACWA adheres to applicable federal, state and local Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidelines and regulations and may implement a number of health precautions for the protection of its in-person attendees, including requirement of face masks (if applicable), social distancing measures, and sanitizing and disinfection measures. However, the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization have classified COVID-19 and its strains as a highly contagious and dangerous disease.  ACWA cannot eliminate the risk of you being exposed to or contracting COVID-19;
  • You are fully aware that your physical appearance at the Event Locations(s) and participation in the Event or any Event related activities carries with it certain inherent risks related to infectious diseases or viruses including but not limited to COVID-19 transmission (“Inherent Risks”) that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid such risks. Inherent Risks may include, but are not limited to, (1) the risk of coming into close contact with individuals or objects that may be carrying COVID-19; (2) the risk of transmitting or contracting COVID-19, directly or indirectly, to or from other individuals; and (3) injuries and complications ranging in severity from minor to catastrophic, including death, resulting directly or indirectly from COVID-19 or the treatment thereof;
  • You further understand that the CDC has determined that certain risk factors, such as advanced age (65 or older), and certain underlying medical conditions, including kidney disease, COPD, immunocompromised state, obesity, heart conditions, sickle cell disease, diabetes, asthma, cerebrovascular disease, cystic fibrosis, hypertension, liver disease, pregnancy, pulmonary fibrosis, and smoking, increase the risk for severe illness from COVID-19 and its strains;
  • You acknowledge that the risks of COVID-19 or its strains are not fully understood, and that contact with, or transmission of, COVID-19 may result in risks including but not limited to loss, personal injury, sickness, death, damage, and expense, the exact nature of which are not currently ascertainable, and all of which are to be considered Inherent Risks;
  • You understand and accept that there is Inherent Risk from a failure of other participants not following proper COVID-19 protocols, such as maintaining proper social distancing and hygiene measures, and that the COVID-19 precautionary measures being employed by ACWA as designed and implemented in accordance with applicable regulations may be insufficient to prevent the transmission or contraction of COVID-19 and suffering any related injuries;
  • You hereby voluntarily, knowingly and freely accept and assume all such Inherent Risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 or similar viruses, even if arising from the negligence or fault of the Released Parties (as defined below);
  • You acknowledge and assume full responsibility for risks inherent in any type of physical activity, including the activities at the Event location(s). These risks include property damage, serious bodily injury, and/or death, including any injury, harm and loss caused by the negligence, fault or conduct of any kind on the part of the Released Parties;
  • You will not attend the Event in person if you  experience symptoms that of fever, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, or dry cough or exhibiting any other symptoms relating to COVID-19 or similar virus at any time during the 14 days immediately prior to the commencement date of the Event;
  • You will not attend the Event in person if you or any member(s) of your household  is diagnosed to be infected with COVID-19 or similar virus at any time during the 14 days immediately prior to the commencement date of the Event;
  • Your attendance and participation in the Event is completely voluntary, and that you are attending and participating in the Event of your own free will and volition. It is your responsibility to ascertain any health conditions you may have that may make it inadvisable for you to participate in the Event or any Event related activity.

All Terms & Conditions are subject to change.

These regulations were accepted at the time of registration.

The terms specified herein become a part of the contract between the exhibitor and the Association of California Water Agencies. The Show Management respectfully asks the full cooperation of the exhibitors in their observance. All points not covered are subject to the decision of the Show Management.

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