Comment Letter: Draft Emergency Curtailment and Regulation for Bay-Delta Watershed Jul 29, 2021 Comment Letters Agency: State Water Resources Control Board Subject: ACWA Comments on 8/3/2021 Board Meeting – Item #5 – Draft Emergency Curtailment and Reporting Regulation for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) Watershed and Proposed Resolution Letter excerpt: The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) appreciates the opportunity to provide public comments on the State Water Resources Control Board’s (State Water Board) Draft Emergency Curtailment and Reporting Regulation for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) Watershed (draft Emergency Regulation) and Proposed Resolution. ACWA represents more than 460 public water agencies that collectively deliver approximately 90 percent of the water in California for domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses. ACWA’s members are implementing significant actions to respond to California’s drought emergency, and are continuing to invest in local solutions to manage water supply during dry years. Given the serious concerns with California’s ongoing drought, ACWA appreciates the intent of the draft Emergency Regulation to protect previously stored water and water transfers from unauthorized diversions. Download Comment Letter